prescription drugs and container

ScreenU Rx

The misuse of prescription stimulants, sedatives, and pain relievers is an issue on college campuses.  Prescription medication misuse often begins at college age and since prescription drugs have a legitimate use, there are often misperceptions regarding the safety and legality of misusing them.  

Estimates suggest 1 in 6 college students report having used a prescription stimulant for a non-medical purpose. The primary reason reported for misuse is the intention of enhancing academic performance; however, research suggests that students who misuse prescription stimulants spend less time studying, have higher class absences, and have a lower GPA.

ScreenU Rx serves to identify prescription drug misuse and provide students with education, resources and early intervention to reduce their risk of negative consequences. Recognizing risky behaviorand providing tools to support safe medication practices are important steps in ensuring students are successful both academically and beyond.