ScreenU Programs



The Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery has developed ScreenU, an SBIRT tool that you can implement on your campus to identify students who are misusing alcohol or prescription medications and link them to the education and support they need to be successful academically and beyond.  These web-based programs were designed specifically for college students and can be utilized in a variety of settings on your campus.

Benefits of ScreenU

ScreenU was designed with the college student in mind and provides feedback and resources that address the unique challenges that they face. It can be used in a variety of settings and contributes to a comprehensive approach to prevention. In addition, ScreenU is:

  • Based in research- based on the large body of research that supports SBIRT as an early intervention tool
  • Cost effective- widespread implementation can be done with limited resources since it does not require an appointment or face to face feedback
  • Personalized- with feedback specific to a person’s risk level and resources specific to the campus and surrounding community
  • Brief- takes less than 10 minutes, making it easy to complete in many settings
  • Flexible- Can be used in a variety of settings including student conduct, residence halls, student health services, or counseling centers.
  • Meets students where they are- Can be completed on a smart phone, tablet, or computer